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Have you achieved your digital marketing goals? Find out by creating an in-depth marketing report using our free template, so you can...
  • Discover the success of your marketing activity through tracking and comparing crucial metrics
  • Impress key stakeholders by displaying marketing ROI through your report results
  • Use and analyse your data to gain valuable insight on what works well and what needs adjusting, and then create new marketing goals for that future success

Marketing reports are no mere formality to tick off at the end of each month. In fact, they’re a bit of a game changer – and that's putting it lightly. If it’s success you’re after, then you should really be putting some respect on the monthly marketing report’s name, because it can provide you and your team with all sorts of amazing benefits like...

They display your ROI

Want to know if the money, time, and effort you’re pouring into your marketing is paying off? A monthly marketing report will be able to tell you. By focusing on the right things, your reports can show you the return your marketing is generating, and show you the areas you should continue investing in.

They track the success of your marketing activity

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Why are we invoking this quote? Because after putting in all that work over the past month, a report can show whether or not your graft has been worth it.

And if things aren’t working, a report will show you – and you can make the right tweaks to your strategy so you can start doing things that will work.

They help with future decision making

If you’re looking to move your strategy into a certain area, or focus on a particular activity over others, then a marketing report can ground your decision-making in hard data and insights. And when the numbers don’t lie, it’s hard to argue with facts and figures that point to your past successes.

They keep stakeholders and clients informed

Those same facts and figures are going to come in handy when you need to present results to others. With stakeholders, positive results in your reports can add some serious muscle if you need to get buy-in for future activity. As for clients in need of results, reports make everything clear. Instead of complex jargon; a report sums things up in a simple, easily understandable way. Vital for keeping them on your side.


There’s no shortage of useful tools that can make sense of your data and activity. And since you won’t have the time to collect everything yourself, reporting tools are an absolute essential. Let’s take a look at what you can use…

Google Analytics

If you haven’t been harnessing the power of Google Analytics’ reporting capabilities, then it’s pretty much a must. In-depth and extensive, you’ll have seven different types of reports at your fingertips, including:

•    Real-time report: A moment-to-moment view of activity on your website and apps, recorded in seconds. A great way of seeing how people are reacting to any campaigns and updates you’ve made.

•    Audience report: Want insight into your users? An audience report can help with that, highlighting key demographics, the devices they’re using, and whether they’re gaining or losing interest in you – as well as a ton of other info.

•    Analytics Acquisition report: Where did your users first find you? Was it through Google? Did another website bring them to you, or maybe they landed on you thanks to Facebook? With this insight, you’ll then be able to create and optimise channel-specific campaigns.  

•    Content report: Break down how well things like your blog posts, landing pages and other site content is doing, unearthing key info on traffic, conversions, and the last page users visited before they bounced from your site.  

•    Site speed report: A three-second wait for a site to load doesn’t sound like a lot, but that’s all it takes for users to leave if it takes any longer. A site speed report provides you with a detailed analysis of individual page performance, highlighting which pages are dragging their heels – so you can get to work improving them.

•    Site Search: Got a search bar on your site? Site Search can track how often it’s used, the terms searched for, the pages they’re starting their searches from and everything else from downloads and link clicks to form submissions and video plays.

•    Conversion report: How is all your activity translating into conversions? And are those conversions sales or leads? Whether it’s a purchase or simply a specific interaction you want to happen (such as the viewing of a video), a conversion report provides all the details.

SEO tools

Tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz and Google Search Console let you get the scoop on things like keyword performance, competitor analysis and site health, which you can schedule to be sent to both team members and clients on a basis that suits them.

CRM tools

MailChimp, Bloom and Hubspot, among plenty of others, all come with a range of reporting features that can optimise your sales team’s activities, including creating probabilities of deals pulling through, and how much these deals will benefit your bottom line.

Social media tools

As well as scheduling in your social media posts, tools like HootSuite, Buzzsumo and Hubspot can show you how you’re performing across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. By comparing channel performance, as well as unlocking insights into audience, session lengths and impressions, you can really start to strengthen your social presence.


Every company or brand’s marketing reports will be different – they’ll have their own specific goals and metrics, after all – but there are a few must-haves which you should most definitely be including in them. Here’s what we recommend featuring…

KPIs and Goals

To know how well you’re doing, you’ll need KPIs to measure your performance from month to month. These will differ across your campaigns, as they’ll relate to particular goals – which you should also include as a reminder of what everyone’s working towards. Now your reports will have focus from the get-go, so everyone know how their efforts are contributing to the ultimate aim.

Overview of activity

A clear, top-level summary of your highlights gets everyone clued in and up to speed, providing the main points which you’ll expand on in more detail later on. This also helps anyone who may not be as in the know about marketing a chance to understand what you’ve been up to.

Organic marketing data

Any figures and info that relate to activities that naturally bring visitors to your website, such as blog posts, unpaid social media posts, newsletters and, of course, SEO will definitely need to be detailed.

Paid advertising data

Any paid campaign results should be highlighted here, along with key metrics for each channel, such as Cost Per Conversion, Click-Through Rate, Impressions, Ad Spend and ROAS (return on ad spend).

Email marketing data

Here, you’ll show how your web traffic converts into subscribers and leads, showcasing the progress your outreach is making, the messaging that packs the most, who’s been engaging with you, and which products and services are proving the most popular.

You should also collate the number of emails sent, how many were opened, and any new subscribers (and un-subscribers for that matter), as well as things like bounce rate and Click-Through-Rate.

Social channels data

If you convert customers directly from social media, then include any data that relates to this too, including numbers of followers, engagements and impressions, shares, ad performance and audience demographics. Metrics like this help you know how your audience is responding to your messaging and campaigns.

Learnings and future actions

With your data detailed, you should finish up your reports with takeaways, conclusions, and next steps. If things didn’t go as you expected, mention what you’ll do to address them. If they did, then note what you’ll do to build on them. Open up the floor to your audience too; mention that you welcome any feedback – your audience might have picked up on things or come to conclusions that you maybe missed.

Don't have the time to keep track of your digital marketing? we'd be happy to take care of it for you instead! BOOK A free consultation to see how we can help boost growth, iprove digital performance, and get that roi paying off properly!


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